Monday, September 28, 2009

Spirit Bird

When you first flew
into my sight, oh spirit bird,
I heard your wings flapping
against a dream-filled sky.

Now, you sit quietly on that crack
in the mountain wall,
your songs heard
only by the dead, and those

who pause long enough
to merge
with your avian

c. Douglas E. Fireman


  1. hey this is a great poem and nice pic. If I could sing, maybe I would make a great old rock´n roll hit with it... love it.

  2. Thanks mucho for dropping by, Aurileide,
    and for your nice words. I'll have to tell my son, who sings and plays the guitar well, what you said.

    Cheers, Doug

  3. I don't know what the spirit bird represents exactly, but the mood this poem evokes..

  4. Hi Dan. I took the pic while traveling in the ancient city of Petra, Jordan. The imagery in the huge rocks, sand stone, and cliff walls were astounding. We were just about to enter the City of the Dead. When I saw the image of the stone bird, I thought of a transmogrified soul in the form of that bird- hence, Spirit Bird.

    Thanks for your visit,
