Saturday, September 26, 2009

Shaman In the Garden

Was it a shaman in the dense
underbrush watching me
or just a projection

of my insanity? A grown man
seeing a shaman in a leaf
might make one think,

"what a leap this guys taken
into whacksville. A leaf is a leaf."
Just last week

I saw the Mad Hatter in the bark of a tree,
a maiden on the face of the moon,
the Spanish Armada embedded

in stone, and King Solomon
on the front of a dried mushroom.
So yes,

to some, I'm partially whacked,
but really, I'm just a bloomin

c. Douglas Fireman


  1. I don't know what strikes me most - the photography or your writing. I think that's a good thing - I can see them exhibited together as they are here. What a terrific exhibition. I've collaborated a little with my brother who writes, me on the visual - but we do go back and forth at times (visa versa - me doing a little writing and he painting). I love your work - keep it coming our way.

  2. Doug said...

    Hi Gary.

    So nice of you to stop by.
    I'm pleased you like my blog.
    Thank you for your kind words
    of encouragement.

    Cheers, Doug
